MIW 2019-21 Cheyenne Kippenberger
Due to unprecedented circumstances of the Pandemic in 2020, the Gathering of Nations Miss Indian World Program extended the title of Miss Indian World to Cheyenne Kippenberger to retain the title for an additional year and she humbly accepted. Thank you to Cheyenne, her family and her Tribe. Cheyenne carried the reign through April 24, 2021. At the 2021 Virtual Gathering of Nations Powwow, Miss Kippenberger completed her reign, with a Virtual Celebration and Outgoing. On behalf of the Gathering of Nations and Miss Indian World Pageant, Thank you for all that you represented and did during this extraordianary two years we shared together.

Cheyenne Eete Susan Kippenberger, is a member of the Seminole Tribe of Florida and her hometown is the Hollywood Reservation in Hollywood, Florida.